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Learn everything you need to grow your business with Odoo, the best management software to run a company at https://www.odoo.com/slides
In this video, learn how to create subtasks Odoo Project.
Other lessons related to this video:
- Project Basics: https://odoo.com/r/5kJk
- Using Timesheets: https://odoo.com/r/fF8
- Measuring Project Profitability: https://odoo.com/r/Ysi
Need more information about Odoo apps?
Discover Odoo, schedule a demo or start your own Odoo revolution for free (no credit card required) at https://www.odoo.com/
In this video, learn how to create subtasks Odoo Project.
Other lessons related to this video:
- Project Basics: https://odoo.com/r/5kJk
- Using Timesheets: https://odoo.com/r/fF8
- Measuring Project Profitability: https://odoo.com/r/Ysi
Need more information about Odoo apps?
Discover Odoo, schedule a demo or start your own Odoo revolution for free (no credit card required) at https://www.odoo.com/
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